Si vous avez du temps de libre Mardi 16, que vous êtes sur Seattle et que cela vous intéresse, une société (Alphabuzz) conduit une étude de marché ce mois. Plus de détails ci-dessous. to learn more about what we do and who some of our past and present clients include.
We are currently putting together a study about electronic devices. Participation will include an initial one hour interview in downtown Seattle on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 16th. Then, over the following 6 weeks, you will be asked to test some technology, and spend 5-10 minutes each week answering online surveys about your experiences. The study will conclude with a final 90 minute in-person interview in Seattle during the week of September 26th.
Each participant will receive a total of $200 ($50 at the conclusion of the first in-person session, and $150 following completion of the weekly surveys and the final in-person interview)
Your participation is completely anonymous and your information confidential. These interviews are strictly for market research and no sales attempt will ever be made as a result of your participation.
If you are interested in being considered for this study, please click on the following link to fill out a prequalifying questionnaire:
0 thoughts on “Testez des téléphones sur Seattle pendant 3h30 au total et recevez $200”
Merci, mais quel rapport avec la communaute francaise ?
Aucun, mais un bon plan pour ceux qui ont du temps. 🙂