The French-American Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Northwest (FACCPNW) is pleased to announce that it is seeking nominations for its Innovation Award that will be unveiled during the inaugural French-American Business Awards Pacific Northwest Ceremony, to be held
May 15, 2015, 6:00PM – 11:00PM at the Rainier Club in Seattle.
The FACCPNW INNOVATION AWARD is one of the categories of the French-American Business Awards Pacific Northwest.
This award will recognize a French or American company from the Pacific Northwest that excelled in 2014 in fostering innovation, or implementing, or bringing to the market a new product or service.
An Honors Selection Committee will oversee the nominations and the award process to select two finalists and the winner who will be announced during the dinner of French American Business Awards Pacific Northwest.
The goal of this program is to support French-American entrepreneurs and companies with the development of their business ventures in the United States and France.
Finalists will have the opportunity to display their product or concept during the Awards ceremony, with the winner being unveiled during the dinner.
We invite you to participate or to recommend a company based in the states of Idaho, Oregon or Washington, that meets the selection criteria.
For further information on the process or to make a nomination, please contact:
French American Chamber of Commerce of Pacific Northwest – tel: 206.443.4703 –